Cultivar (2019)
Emily Critch, Embroidered Ecologies (2019)
For this botanically themed summer program, participating artists were invited to offer events and experiences relating to the term cultivar. Cultivar refers to a plant variety that has been produced through selective breeding. The metaphorical implications of cultivar are abundant in relation to mediated messages, colonial histories, and notions of belonging and invasive species. Our visiting artists created experiences at sites around Fogo Island to address these issues in various ways.
Amy Ash (Saint John, NB) + Alice McCabe (London, UK); Adventitious Routes & Rhizomes
Emily Critch (Corner Brook, NL); Embroidered Ecologies
Andrew Maize (Guelph ON); Cultivating Aerial Perspectives
Dan Murphy (Corner Brook and Fogo Island, NL); Botanical Poems
Bruce Pashak (Gander and Fogo Island, NL);The Botany Project: Observations of a World Before Us